Guilt doesn’t drive most of the worst of society to do the right thing, at least not to the point to where they go to the police, confess their crimes and get arrested.
A New Mexico man just did though.
Tony Peralta killed his landlord in 2008 and that evil finally became too much of a burden to bear for him as a free man. “I’m just tired of covering it up,” Peralta told the Roswell Police Department. “I’m tired of living with my life, sir.”
Later, he provided details to a detective.
“I killed somebody, dude. I killed him with a screwdriver.”
Peralta was broken emotionally and psychologically.
“I confess. I don’t want to live life anymore without confessing,” he said. “He was a good man and didn’t deserve what I did,” Peralta said of William “Bill” Blodgett. “He was always good to me and I took his life for no reason.”
Of course this doesn’t make Peralta a sympathetic character. He’s a murderer who admits his victim was “good” and “didn’t deserve” and “was good to me” and that he still “took his life for no reason.”
Yet he did do what most murderers in cold cases don’t do, even if it took him a long, shameful 15 years. Peralta will get the punishment that is long overdue and suffer for his crime, although not like Mr. Blodgett or Blodgett’s loved ones and friends.
Yet in this moment, even if only for this moment, Peralta did the right thing and communicated, by all appearances, factually, truthfully and humbly. He took full ownership of his felonious crimes and harmful impact on a man, his family and society.
It’s a small thing, relatively speaking, but yet not a small thing at all. It took courage, commitment and not soft selling to law enforcement what really happened. It took a fugitive telling the truth, to police and hopefully, attorneys and a jury, knowing full well all the pain and misery that is possibly ahead of him for the remainder of his life.
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